For the upcoming months, I will be working on my bachelor thesis at the Institute of European Ethnology in Berlin. Prof. Dr. Beate Binder is the supervisor.
In my thesis, I want to examine the practices of individuals and initiatives that are aiming at integrating women in programming and computer science. The focus lies on the actors and their (differing) strategies in pursuing their goals and hence their practices. Qualitative "expert" Interviews are my main method, the analysis will be done with grounded theory. I will also visit Events and conduct research with some participatory observation. The research is underminded by studies and scholarly articles from History, Social Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Gender Studies and other disciplines. Non-scholarly articles and interviews are also part of the research body.
If you want to exchange about this topic, I'd be delighted to do so. Please contact me.
This site is hosted and edited on github, so feel free to commit and comment. I will not include articles on methods and theoretic approaches that are mainly tools in order to categorize and analyze the findings. They'd probably bore you anyways.
Thanks to the people who have suggested ideas and links.
Also I'd like to state that this tumblr on being a female software engineer is fucking hilarious.